Source code for cw_tiler.main

import os
import rasterio
from rasterio.warp import transform_bounds
from import DatasetReader
import math
from rio_tiler.errors import TileOutsideBounds
from . import utils
import numpy as np

[docs]def tile_utm_source(src, ll_x, ll_y, ur_x, ur_y, indexes=None, tilesize=256, nodata=None, alpha=None, dst_crs='epsg:4326'): """ Create a UTM tile from a :py:class:`rasterio.Dataset` in memory. Arguments --------- src : :py:class:`rasterio.Dataset` Source imagery dataset to tile. ll_x : int or float Lower left x position (i.e. Western bound). ll_y : int or f loat Lower left y position (i.e. Southern bound). ur_x : int or float Upper right x position (i.e. Eastern bound). ur_y : int or float Upper right y position (i.e. Northern bound). indexes : tuple of 3 ints, optional Band indexes for the output. By default, extracts all of the indexes from `src`. tilesize : int, optional Output image X and Y pixel extent. Defaults to ``256``. nodata : int or float, optional Value to use for `nodata` pixels during tiling. By default, uses the existing `nodata` value in `src`. alpha : int, optional Alpha band index for tiling. By default, uses the same band as specified by `src`. dst_crs : str, optional Coordinate reference system for output. Defaults to ``"epsg:4326"``. Returns ------- ``(data, mask, window, window_transform)`` tuple. data : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` int pixel values. Shape is ``(C, Y, X)`` if retrieving multiple channels, ``(Y, X)`` otherwise. mask : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` int mask indicating which pixels contain information and which are `nodata`. Pixels containing data have value ``255``, `nodata` pixels have value ``0``. window : :py:class:`` :py:class:`` object indicating the raster location of the dataset subregion being returned in `data`. window_transform : :py:class:`affine.Affine` Affine transformation for the window. """ wgs_bounds = transform_bounds( *[, dst_crs] + list(src.bounds), densify_pts=21) indexes = indexes if indexes is not None else src.indexes tile_bounds = (ll_x, ll_y, ur_x, ur_y) if not utils.tile_exists_utm(wgs_bounds, tile_bounds): raise TileOutsideBounds( 'Tile {}/{}/{}/{} is outside image bounds'.format(tile_bounds)) return utils.tile_read_utm(src, tile_bounds, tilesize, indexes=indexes, nodata=nodata, alpha=alpha, dst_crs=dst_crs)
[docs]def tile_utm(source, ll_x, ll_y, ur_x, ur_y, indexes=None, tilesize=256, nodata=None, alpha=None, dst_crs='epsg:4326'): """ Create a UTM tile from a file or a :py:class:`rasterio.Dataset` in memory. This function is a wrapper around :func:`tile_utm_source` to enable passing of file paths instead of pre-loaded :py:class:`rasterio.Dataset` s. Arguments --------- source : :py:class:`rasterio.Dataset` Source imagery dataset to tile. ll_x : int or float Lower left x position (i.e. Western bound). ll_y : int or float Lower left y position (i.e. Southern bound). ur_x : int or float Upper right x position (i.e. Eastern bound). ur_y : int or float Upper right y position (i.e. Northern bound). indexes : tuple of 3 ints, optional Band indexes for the output. By default, extracts all of the indexes from `source` . tilesize : :obj:`int`, optional Output image X and Y pixel extent. Defaults to ``256``. nodata : int or float, optional Value to use for ``nodata`` pixels during tiling. By default, uses the existing ``nodata`` value in `src`. alpha : :obj:`int`, optional Alpha band index for tiling. By default, uses the same band as specified by `src`. dst_crs : str, optional Coordinate reference system for output. Defaults to ``"epsg:4326"``. Returns ------- ``(data, mask, window, window_transform`` tuple. data : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` int pixel values. Shape is ``(C, Y, X)`` if retrieving multiple channels, ``(Y, X)`` otherwise. mask : :class:`numpy.ndarray` int mask indicating which pixels contain information and which are `nodata`. Pixels containing data have value ``255``, `nodata` pixels have value ``0``. window : :py:class:`` :py:class:`` object indicating the raster location of the dataset subregion being returned in `data`. window_transform : :py:class:`affine.Affine` Affine transformation for the window. """ if isinstance(source, DatasetReader): src = source elif os.path.exists(source): src = # read in the file else: raise ValueError('Source is not a rasterio.Dataset or a valid path.') return tile_utm_source(src, ll_x, ll_y, ur_x, ur_y, indexes=indexes, tilesize=tilesize, nodata=nodata, alpha=alpha, dst_crs=dst_crs)
[docs]def get_chip(source, ll_x, ll_y, gsd, utm_crs='', indexes=None, tilesize=256, nodata=None, alpha=None): """Get an image tile of specific pixel size. This wrapper function permits passing of `ll_x`, `ll_y`, `gsd`, and `tile_size_pixels` in place of boundary coordinates to extract an image region of defined pixel extent. Arguments --------- source : :py:class:`rasterio.Dataset` Source imagery dataset to tile. ll_x : int or float Lower left x position (i.e. Western bound). ll_y : int or float Lower left y position (i.e. Southern bound). gsd : float Ground sample distance of the source imagery in meter/pixel units. utm_crs : :py:class:``, optional UTM coordinate reference system string for the imagery. If not provided, this is calculated using :func:`cw_tiler.utils.get_wgs84_bounds` and :func:`cw_tiler.utils.calculate_UTM_crs` . indexes : tuple of 3 ints, optional Band indexes for the output. By default, extracts all of the indexes from `source`. tilesize : int, optional Output image X and Y pixel extent. Defaults to ``256`` . nodata : int or float, optional Value to use for `nodata` pixels during tiling. By default, uses the existing `nodata` value in `source`. alpha : int, optional Alpha band index for tiling. By default, uses the same band as specified by `source`. Returns ------- ``(data, mask, window, window_transform`` tuple. data : :class:`numpy.ndarray` int pixel values. Shape is ``(C, Y, X)`` if retrieving multiple channels, ``(Y, X)`` otherwise. mask : :class:`numpy.ndarray` int mask indicating which pixels contain information and which are `nodata`. Pixels containing data have value ``255``, `nodata` pixels have value ``0``. window : :py:class:`` :py:class:`` object indicating the raster location of the dataset subregion being returned in `data`. window_transform : :py:class:`affine.Affine` Affine transformation for the window. """ ur_x = ll_x + gsd * tilesize ur_y = ll_y + gsd * tilesize if isinstance(source, DatasetReader): src = source else: src = if not utm_crs: wgs_bounds = utils.get_wgs84_bounds(src) utm_crs = utils.calculate_UTM_crs(wgs_bounds) return tile_utm(source, ll_x, ll_y, ur_x, ur_y, indexes=indexes, tilesize=tilesize, nodata=nodata, alpha=alpha, dst_crs=utm_crs)
[docs]def calculate_anchor_points(utm_bounds, stride_size_meters=400, extend=False, quad_space=False): """Get anchor point (lower left corner of bbox) for chips from a tile. Arguments --------- utm_bounds : tuple of 4 floats A :obj:`tuple` of shape ``(min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y)`` that defines the spatial extent of the tile to be split. Coordinates should be in UTM. stride_size_meters : int, optional Stride size in both X and Y directions for generating chips. Defaults to ``400``. extend : bool, optional Defines whether UTM boundaries should be rounded to the nearest integer outward from `utm_bounds` (`extend` == ``True``) or inward from `utm_bounds` (`extend` == ``False``). Defaults to ``False`` (inward). quad_space : bool, optional If tiles will overlap by no more than half their X and/or Y extent in each direction, `quad_space` can be used to split chip anchors into four non-overlapping subsets. For example, if anchor points are 400m apart and each chip will be 800m by 800m, `quad_space` will generate four sets which do not internally overlap; however, this would fail if tiles are 900m by 900m. Defaults to ``False``, in which case the returned ``anchor_point_list_dict`` will comprise a single list of anchor points. Returns ------- anchor_point_list_dict : dict of list(s) of lists If ``quad_space==True`` , `anchor_point_list_dict` is a :obj:`dict` with four keys ``[0, 1, 2, 3]`` corresponding to the four subsets of chips generated (see `quad_space` ). If ``quad_space==False`` , `anchor_point_list_dict` is a :obj:`dict` with a single key, ``0`` , that corresponds to a list of all of the generated anchor points. Each anchor point in the list(s) is an ``[x, y]`` pair of UTM coordinates denoting the SW corner of a chip. """ if extend: min_x = math.floor(utm_bounds[0]) min_y = math.floor(utm_bounds[1]) max_x = math.ceil(utm_bounds[2]) max_y = math.ceil(utm_bounds[3]) else: print("NoExtend") print('UTM_Bounds: {}'.format(utm_bounds)) min_x = math.ceil(utm_bounds[0]) min_y = math.ceil(utm_bounds[1]) max_x = math.floor(utm_bounds[2]) max_y = math.floor(utm_bounds[3]) if quad_space: print("quad_space") row_cell = np.asarray([[0, 1], [2, 3]]) anchor_point_list_dict = {0: [], 1: [], 2: [], 3: []} else: anchor_point_list_dict = {0: []} for rowidx, x in enumerate(np.arange(min_x, max_x, stride_size_meters)): for colidx, y in enumerate(np.arange(min_y, max_y, stride_size_meters)): if quad_space: anchor_point_list_dict[ row_cell[rowidx % 2, colidx % 2]].append([x, y]) else: anchor_point_list_dict[0].append([x, y]) return anchor_point_list_dict
[docs]def calculate_cells(anchor_point_list_dict, cell_size_meters, utm_bounds=[]): """ Calculate boundaries for image cells (chips) from anchor points. This function takes the output from :func:`calculate_anchor_points` as well as a desired cell size (`cell_size_meters`) and outputs ``(W, S, E, N)`` tuples for generating cells. Arguments --------- anchor_point_list_dict : dict Output of :func:`calculate_anchor_points`. See that function for details. cell_size_meters : int or float Desired width and height of each cell in meters. utm_bounds : list -like of float s, optional A :obj:`list`-like of shape ``(W, S, E, N)`` that defines the limits of an input image tile in UTM coordinates to ensure that no cells extend beyond those limits. If not provided, all cells will be included even if they extend beyond the UTM limits of the source imagery. Returns ------- cells_list_dict : dict of list(s) of lists A dict whose keys are either ``0`` or ``[0, 1, 2, 3]`` (see :func:`calculate_anchor_points` . ``quad_space`` ), and whose values are :obj:`list` s of boundaries in the shape ``[W, S, E, N]`` . Boundaries are in UTM coordinates. """ cells_list_dict = {} for anchor_point_list_id, anchor_point_list in anchor_point_list_dict.items(): cells_list = [] for anchor_point in anchor_point_list: if utm_bounds: if (anchor_point[0] + cell_size_meters < utm_bounds[2]) and ( anchor_point[1] + cell_size_meters < utm_bounds[3]): cells_list.append([anchor_point[0], anchor_point[1], anchor_point[0] + cell_size_meters, anchor_point[1] + cell_size_meters]) else: pass else: # include it regardless of extending beyond bounds cells_list.append([anchor_point[0], anchor_point[1], anchor_point[0] + cell_size_meters, anchor_point[1] + cell_size_meters]) cells_list_dict[anchor_point_list_id] = cells_list return cells_list_dict
[docs]def calculate_analysis_grid(utm_bounds, stride_size_meters=300, cell_size_meters=400, quad_space=False, snapToGrid=False): """Wrapper for :func:`calculate_anchor_points` and :func:`calculate_cells`. Based on UTM boundaries of an image tile, stride size, and cell size, output a dictionary of boundary lists for analysis chips. Arguments --------- utm_bounds : list-like of shape ``(W, S, E, N)`` UTM coordinate limits of the input tile. stride_size_meters : int, optional Step size in both X and Y directions between cells in units of meters. Defaults to ``300`` . cell_size_meters : int, optional Extent of each cell in both X and Y directions in units of meters. Defaults to ``400`` . quad_space : bool, optional See :func:`calculate_anchor_points` . ``quad_space`` . Defaults to ``False`` . snapToGrid : bool, optional .. :deprecated: 0.2.0 This argument is deprecated and no longer has any effect. Returns ------- cells_list_dict : dict of list(s) of lists A dict whose keys are either ``0`` or ``[0, 1, 2, 3]`` (see :func:`calculate_anchor_points` . ``quad_space`` ), and whose values are :obj:`list` s of boundaries in the shape ``[W, S, E, N]`` . Boundaries are in UTM coordinates. """ anchor_point_list_dict = calculate_anchor_points( utm_bounds, stride_size_meters=stride_size_meters, quad_space=quad_space) cells_list_dict = calculate_cells(anchor_point_list_dict, cell_size_meters, utm_bounds=utm_bounds) return cells_list_dict
if __name__ == '__main__': utmX, utmY = 658029, 4006947 cll_x = utmX cur_x = utmX + 500 cll_y = utmY cur_y = utmY + 500 stride_size_meters = 300 cell_size_meters = 400 ctile_size_pixels = 1600 spacenetPath = "s3://spacenet-dataset/AOI_2_Vegas/srcData/rasterData/AOI_2_Vegas_MUL-PanSharpen_Cloud.tif" address = spacenetPath with as src: cwgs_bounds = utils.get_wgs84_bounds(src) cutm_crs = utils.calculate_UTM_crs(cwgs_bounds) cutm_bounds = utils.get_utm_bounds(src, cutm_crs) #ccells_list = calculate_analysis_grid(cutm_bounds, stride_size_meters=stride_size_meters, # cell_size_meters=cell_size_meters) #random_cell = random.choice(ccells_list) #cll_x, cll_y, cur_x, cur_y = random_cell tile, mask, window, window_transform = tile_utm(src, cll_x, cll_y, cur_x, cur_y, indexes=None, tilesize=ctile_size_pixels, nodata=None, alpha=None, dst_crs=cutm_crs)