Source code for cw_tiler.vector_utils

from shapely import geometry
from shapely.geometry import box
import geopandas as gpd
from rasterio import features
from rasterio import Affine
import numpy as np
# Note, for mac osx compatability import something from shapely.geometry before
# importing fiona or geopandas:

[docs]def read_vector_file(geoFileName): """Read Fiona-Supported Files into GeoPandas GeoDataFrame. Warning ---- This will raise an exception for empty GeoJSON files, which GDAL and Fiona cannot read. ``try/except`` the :py:exc:`Fiona.errors.DriverError` or :py:exc:`Fiona._err.CPLE_OpenFailedError` if you must use this. """ return gpd.read_file(geoFileName)
[docs]def transformToUTM(gdf, utm_crs, estimate=True, calculate_sindex=True): """Transform GeoDataFrame to UTM coordinate reference system. Arguments --------- gdf : :py:class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` :py:class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` to transform. utm_crs : str :py:class:`` string for destination UTM CRS. estimate : bool, optional .. deprecated:: 0.2.0 This argument is no longer used. calculate_sindex : bool, optional .. deprecated:: 0.2.0 This argument is no longer used. Returns ------- gdf : :py:class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` The input :py:class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` converted to `utm_crs` coordinate reference system. """ gdf = gdf.to_crs(utm_crs) return gdf
[docs]def search_gdf_bounds(gdf, tile_bounds): """Use `tile_bounds` to subset `gdf` and return the intersect. Arguments --------- gdf : :py:class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` A :py:class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` of polygons to subset. tile_bounds : tuple A tuple of shape ``(W, S, E, N)`` that denotes the boundaries of a tile. Returns ------- smallGdf : :py:class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` The subset of `gdf` that overlaps with `tile_bounds` . """ tile_polygon = box(tile_bounds) smallGdf = search_gdf_polygon(gdf, tile_polygon) return smallGdf
[docs]def search_gdf_polygon(gdf, tile_polygon): """Find polygons in a GeoDataFrame that overlap with `tile_polygon` . Arguments --------- gdf : :py:class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` A :py:class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` of polygons to search. tile_polygon : :py:class:`shapely.geometry.Polygon` A :py:class:`shapely.geometry.Polygon` denoting a tile's bounds. Returns ------- precise_matches : :py:class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` The subset of `gdf` that overlaps with `tile_polygon` . If there are no overlaps, this will return an empty :py:class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame`. """ sindex = gdf.sindex possible_matches_index = list(sindex.intersection(tile_polygon.bounds)) possible_matches = gdf.iloc[possible_matches_index] precise_matches = possible_matches[ possible_matches.intersects(tile_polygon) ] if precise_matches.empty: precise_matches = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[]) return precise_matches
[docs]def vector_tile_utm(gdf, tile_bounds, min_partial_perc=0.1, geom_type="Polygon", use_sindex=True): """Wrapper for :func:`clip_gdf` that converts `tile_bounds` to a polygon. Arguments --------- gdf : :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` A :py:class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` of polygons to clip. tile_bounds : list-like of floats :obj:`list` of shape ``(W, S, E, N)`` denoting the boundaries of an imagery tile. Converted to a polygon for :func:`clip_gdf`. min_partial_perc : float The minimum fraction of an object in `gdf` that must be preserved. Defaults to 0.0 (include any object if any part remains following clipping). use_sindex : bool, optional Use the `gdf` sindex be used for searching. Improves efficiency but requires `libspatialindex <>`__ . Returns ------- small_gdf : :py:class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` `gdf` with all contained objects clipped to `tile_bounds`. See notes above for details on additional clipping columns added. """ tile_polygon = box(*tile_bounds) small_gdf = clip_gdf(gdf, tile_polygon, min_partial_perc=min_partial_perc, geom_type=geom_type ) return small_gdf
def getCenterOfGeoFile(gdf, estimate=True): #TODO implement calculate UTM from gdf see osmnx implementation pass
[docs]def clip_gdf(gdf, poly_to_cut, min_partial_perc=0.0, geom_type="Polygon", use_sindex=True): """Clip GDF to a provided polygon. Note ---- Clips objects within `gdf` to the region defined by `poly_to_cut`. Also adds several columns to the output: `origarea` The original area of the polygons (only used if `geom_type` == ``"Polygon"``). `origlen` The original length of the objects (only used if `geom_type` == ``"LineString"``). `partialDec` The fraction of the object that remains after clipping (fraction of area for Polygons, fraction of length for LineStrings.) Can filter based on this by using `min_partial_perc`. `truncated` Boolean indicator of whether or not an object was clipped. Arguments --------- gdf : :py:class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` A :py:class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` of polygons to clip. poly_to_cut : :py:class:`shapely.geometry.Polygon` The polygon to clip objects in `gdf` to. min_partial_perc : float, optional The minimum fraction of an object in `gdf` that must be preserved. Defaults to 0.0 (include any object if any part remains following clipping). geom_type : str, optional Type of objects in `gdf`. Can be one of ``["Polygon", "LineString"]`` . Defaults to ``"Polygon"`` . use_sindex : bool, optional Use the `gdf` sindex be used for searching. Improves efficiency but requires `libspatialindex <>`__ . Returns ------- cutGeoDF : :py:class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` `gdf` with all contained objects clipped to `poly_to_cut` . See notes above for details on additional clipping columns added. """ # check if geoDF has origAreaField if use_sindex: gdf = search_gdf_polygon(gdf, poly_to_cut) # if geom_type == "LineString": if 'origarea' in gdf.columns: pass else: if "geom_type" == "LineString": gdf['origarea'] = 0 else: gdf['origarea'] = gdf.area if 'origlen' in gdf.columns: pass else: if "geom_type" == "LineString": gdf['origlen'] = gdf.length else: gdf['origlen'] = 0 # TODO must implement different case for lines and for spatialIndex # (Assume RTree is already performed) cutGeoDF = gdf.copy() cutGeoDF.geometry = gdf.intersection(poly_to_cut) if geom_type == 'Polygon': cutGeoDF['partialDec'] = cutGeoDF.area / cutGeoDF['origarea'] cutGeoDF = cutGeoDF.loc[cutGeoDF['partialDec'] > min_partial_perc, :] cutGeoDF['truncated'] = (cutGeoDF['partialDec'] != 1.0).astype(int) else: cutGeoDF = cutGeoDF[cutGeoDF.geom_type != "GeometryCollection"] cutGeoDF['partialDec'] = 1 cutGeoDF['truncated'] = 0 # TODO: IMPLEMENT TRUNCATION MEASUREMENT FOR LINESTRINGS return cutGeoDF
[docs]def rasterize_gdf(gdf, src_shape, burn_value=1, src_transform=Affine(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)): """Convert a GeoDataFrame to a binary image (array) mask. Uses :py:func:`rasterio.features.rasterize` to generate a raster mask from object geometries in `gdf` . Arguments --------- gdf : :py:class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` A :py:class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` of objects to convert into a mask. src_shape : list-like of 2 ints Shape of the output array in ``(Y, X)`` pixel units. burn_value : int in range(0, 255), optional Integer value for pixels corresponding to objects from `gdf` . Defaults to 1. src_transform : :py:class:`affine.Affine`, optional Affine transformation for the output raster. If not provided, defaults to arbitrary pixel units. Returns ------- img : :class:`np.ndarray`, dtype ``uint8`` A NumPy array of integers with 0s where no pixels from objects in `gdf` exist, and `burn_value` where they do. Shape is defined by `src_shape`. """ if not gdf.empty: img = features.rasterize( ((geom, burn_value) for geom in gdf.geometry), out_shape=src_shape, transform=src_transform ) else: img = np.zeros(src_shape).astype(np.uint8) return img