Source code for cw_tiler.utils

"""cw_tiler.utils: utility functions for raster files."""

import numpy as np
import rasterio
from rasterio.vrt import WarpedVRT
from rasterio.enums import Resampling
from import DatasetReader
from rasterio.warp import transform_bounds
from rio_tiler.errors import RioTilerError
from rasterio import windows
from rasterio import transform
from shapely.geometry import box

[docs]def utm_getZone(longitude): """Calculate UTM Zone from Longitude. Arguments --------- longitude: float longitude coordinate (Degrees.decimal degrees) Returns ------- out: int UTM Zone number. """ return (int(1+(longitude+180.0)/6.0))
[docs]def utm_isNorthern(latitude): """Determine if a latitude coordinate is in the northern hemisphere. Arguments --------- latitude: float latitude coordinate (Deg.decimal degrees) Returns ------- out: bool ``True`` if `latitude` is in the northern hemisphere, ``False`` otherwise. """ return (latitude > 0.0)
[docs]def calculate_UTM_crs(coords): """Calculate UTM Projection String. Arguments --------- coords: list ``[longitude, latitude]`` or ``[min_longitude, min_latitude, max_longitude, max_latitude]`` . Returns ------- out: str returns `proj4 projection string <>`__ """ if len(coords) == 2: longitude, latitude = coords elif len(coords) == 4: longitude = np.mean([coords[0], coords[2]]) latitude = np.mean([coords[1], coords[3]]) utm_zone = utm_getZone(longitude) utm_isNorthern(latitude) if utm_isNorthern(latitude): direction_indicator = "+north" else: direction_indicator = "+south" utm_crs = "+proj=utm +zone={} {} +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs".format(utm_zone, direction_indicator) return utm_crs
[docs]def get_utm_vrt(source, crs='EPSG:3857', resampling=Resampling.bilinear, src_nodata=None, dst_nodata=None): """Get a :py:class:`rasterio.vrt.WarpedVRT` projection of a dataset. Arguments --------- source : :py:class:`` The dataset to virtually warp using :py:class:`rasterio.vrt.WarpedVRT`. crs : :py:class:``, optional Coordinate reference system for the VRT. Defaults to 'EPSG:3857' (Web Mercator). resampling : :py:class:`rasterio.enums.Resampling` method, optional Resampling method to use. Defaults to :py:func:`rasterio.enums.Resampling.bilinear`. Alternatives include :py:func:`rasterio.enums.Resampling.average`, :py:func:`rasterio.enums.Resampling.cubic`, and others. See docs for :py:class:`rasterio.enums.Resampling` for more information. src_nodata : int or float, optional Source nodata value which will be ignored for interpolation. Defaults to ``None`` (all data used in interpolation). dst_nodata : int or float, optional Destination nodata value which will be ignored for interpolation. Defaults to ``None``, in which case the value of `src_nodata` will be used if provided, or ``0`` otherwise. Returns ------- A :py:class:`rasterio.vrt.WarpedVRT` instance with the transformation. """ vrt_params = dict( crs=crs, resampling=Resampling.bilinear, src_nodata=src_nodata, dst_nodata=dst_nodata) return WarpedVRT(source, **vrt_params)
[docs]def get_utm_vrt_profile(source, crs='EPSG:3857', resampling=Resampling.bilinear, src_nodata=None, dst_nodata=None): """Get a :py:class:`rasterio.profiles.Profile` for projection of a VRT. Arguments --------- source : :py:class:`` The dataset to virtually warp using :py:class:`rasterio.vrt.WarpedVRT`. crs : :py:class:``, optional Coordinate reference system for the VRT. Defaults to ``"EPSG:3857"`` (Web Mercator). resampling : :py:class:`rasterio.enums.Resampling` method, optional Resampling method to use. Defaults to ``rasterio.enums.Resampling.bilinear``. Alternatives include ``rasterio.enums.Resampling.average``, ``rasterio.enums.Resampling.cubic``, and others. See docs for :py:class:`rasterio.enums.Resampling` for more information. src_nodata : int or float, optional Source nodata value which will be ignored for interpolation. Defaults to ``None`` (all data used in interpolation). dst_nodata : int or float, optional Destination nodata value which will be ignored for interpolation. Defaults to ``None``, in which case the value of `src_nodata` will be used if provided, or ``0`` otherwise. Returns ------- A :py:class:`rasterio.profiles.Profile` instance with the transformation applied. """ with get_utm_vrt(source, crs=crs, resampling=resampling, src_nodata=src_nodata, dst_nodata=dst_nodata) as vrt: vrt_profile = vrt.profile return vrt_profile
[docs]def tile_read_utm(source, bounds, tilesize, indexes=[1], nodata=None, alpha=None, dst_crs='EPSG:3857', verbose=False, boundless=False): """Read data and mask. Arguments --------- source : str or :py:class:`` input file path or :py:class:`` object. bounds : ``(W, S, E, N)`` tuple bounds in `dst_crs` . tilesize : int Length of one edge of the output tile in pixels. indexes : list of ints or int, optional Channel index(es) to output. Returns a 3D :py:class:`np.ndarray` of shape (C, Y, X) if `indexes` is a list, or a 2D array if `indexes` is an int channel index. Defaults to ``1``. nodata: int or float, optional nodata value to use in :py:class:`rasterio.vrt.WarpedVRT`. Defaults to ``None`` (use all data in warping). alpha: int, optional Force alphaband if not present in the dataset metadata. Defaults to ``None`` (don't force). dst_crs: str, optional Destination coordinate reference system. Defaults to ``"EPSG:3857"`` (Web Mercator) verbose : bool, optional Verbose text output. Defaults to ``False``. boundless : bool, optional This argument is deprecated and should never be used. Returns ------- data : :py:class:`np.ndarray` int pixel values. Shape is ``(C, Y, X)`` if retrieving multiple channels, ``(Y, X)`` otherwise. mask : :py:class:`np.ndarray` int mask indicating which pixels contain information and which are `nodata`. Pixels containing data have value ``255``, `nodata` pixels have value ``0``. window : :py:class:`` :py:class:`` object indicating the raster location of the dataset subregion being returned in `data`. window_transform : :py:class:`affine.Affine` Affine transformation for `window` . """ w, s, e, n = bounds if alpha is not None and nodata is not None: raise RioTilerError('cannot pass alpha and nodata option') if isinstance(indexes, int): indexes = [indexes] out_shape = (len(indexes), tilesize, tilesize) if verbose: print(dst_crs) vrt_params = dict(crs=dst_crs, resampling=Resampling.bilinear, src_nodata=nodata, dst_nodata=nodata) if not isinstance(source, DatasetReader): src = else: src = source with WarpedVRT(src, **vrt_params) as vrt: window = vrt.window(w, s, e, n, precision=21) if verbose: print(window) window_transform = transform.from_bounds(w, s, e, n, tilesize, tilesize) data =, resampling=Resampling.bilinear, out_shape=out_shape, indexes=indexes) if verbose: print(bounds) print(window) print(out_shape) print(indexes) print(boundless) print(window_transform) if nodata is not None: mask = np.all(data != nodata, axis=0).astype(np.uint8) * 255 elif alpha is not None: mask =, window=window, out_shape=(tilesize, tilesize), resampling=Resampling.bilinear) else: mask = vrt.read_masks(1, window=window, out_shape=(tilesize, tilesize), resampling=Resampling.bilinear) return data, mask, window, window_transform
[docs]def tile_exists_utm(boundsSrc, boundsTile): """Check if suggested tile is within bounds. Arguments --------- boundsSrc : list-like Bounding box limits for the source data in the shape ``(W, S, E, N)``. boundsTile : list-like Bounding box limits for the target tile in the shape ``(W, S, E, N)``. Returns ------- bool Do the `boundsSrc` and `boundsTile` bounding boxes overlap? """ boundsSrcBox = box(*boundsSrc) boundsTileBox = box(*boundsTile) return boundsSrcBox.intersects(boundsTileBox)
[docs]def get_wgs84_bounds(source): """Transform dataset bounds from source crs to wgs84. Arguments --------- source : str or :py:class:`` Source dataset to get bounds transformation for. Can either be a string path to a dataset file or an opened :py:class:``. Returns ------- wgs_bounds : tuple Bounds tuple for `source` in wgs84 crs with shape ``(W, S, E, N)``. """ if isinstance(source, DatasetReader): src = source else: src = wgs_bounds = transform_bounds(*[, 'epsg:4326'] + list(src.bounds), densify_pts=21) return wgs_bounds
[docs]def get_utm_bounds(source, utm_EPSG): """Transform bounds from source crs to a UTM crs. Arguments --------- source : str or :py:class:`` Source dataset. Can either be a string path to a dataset GeoTIFF or a :py:class:`` object. utm_EPSG : str :py:class:`` string indicating the UTM crs to transform into. Returns ------- utm_bounds : tuple Bounding box limits in `utm_EPSG` crs coordinates with shape ``(W, S, E, N)``. """ if isinstance(source, DatasetReader): src = source else: src = utm_bounds = transform_bounds(*[, utm_EPSG] + list(src.bounds), densify_pts=21) return utm_bounds